Gutter Rainbows

I’m so excited to reveal the cover for my 2nd full-length poetry collection, Gutter Rainbows!

It has been a long road with this deeply personal book, & I feel fortunate that it travailed the necessary path to find its home with Querencia. It’s been a dream to work with Emily Perkovich, and I’m grateful to Emily and the other editors at Querencia. Never surrender the vision you have for your art!

I feel so honored by generous blurbs from treasured writers Mk Chavez, Rob McLennan, & Denise Low-Weso.

Gutter Rainbows is about transformation through trauma. It’s about growing up in Brooklyn & forming alliances with sidewalks. About being a girl on the verge of something shattering. About the fur.

These tender, gritty poems work with the language of rocks and minerals to tell a story of the relationship between women’s bodies and geological trauma, along with the sediment of betrayal that lingers in our foundation. This book is about trusting yourself enough to claw your way out.

Cover Art by Emily Perkovich, Original Art by Kevin Carr

Preorders will begin on July 26th!

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Melissa Eleftherion is a writer, a librarian, and a visual artist. She is the author of field guide to autobiography (The Operating System, 2018), & nine chapbooks, including the forthcoming trauma suture (above/ground press, 2020). Born & raised in Brooklyn, Melissa now lives in Mendocino County where she manages the Ukiah Library, teaches creative writing, & curates the LOBA Reading Series. Recent work is available at

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